Pivotal Behaviour Management Strategy

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16th Jan 2023

The Pivotal approach to behaviour management starts with the behaviour of adults. Staff are expected to maintain a consistent, calm approach to behaviour at all times, with the emphasis on depersonalising behaviour interventions.

Pivotal behaviour management strategy is based on five pillars:

  • Consistent, calm adult behaviour
  • First attention to best conduct
  • Relentless routines
  • Scripted interventions
  • Restorative follow up

Mary Astell Academy has 3 school rules on which our behaviour policy stands:

1. Be ready and willing to learn

2. Be Safe

3. Be Respectful

Staff give ‘first attention to best conduct’ praising compliance to indirectly tackle off task behaviour. Direct interventions are done calmly and in a non-confrontational way, giving children ‘thinking time’ to respond with requests. Relentless routines provides pupils and staff with a solid framework on which they can rely on repeatedly. Scripted interventions allow all staff to deliver the same guidance and advice in a calm, non-judgemental way.

Restorative conversations are used to engage in powerful dialogue with children. The focus is on what rules were broken, who was affected by their behaviour, and what can be done differently in future. These conversations are taken very seriously and are very effective in helping children take responsibility for their actions.

Particular emphasis is placed on recognising (rather than rewarding) positive behaviour, e.g. praise post cards, phone calls and text messages home.

Each term, one particular aspect of behaviour may be focussed on by staff, e.g. respect for fellow pupils and staff. All staff use scripting and the five pillars to help modify behviours.